Wednesday, December 1, 2010

An Ancient Paradise

I live in a TP among millions of boulders.  Palm trees and brush fill the excess space, created an environment that seems dianosaurs would roam.  Been doin yoga at sunrise as the birds fly over head.  Pretty much livin the life, smokin da herbs and chillin out. 

Climbing some rocks

The is Rishi, a rainbow brother who runs the Arba Mystica...the place where i am staying.  Cool fella.

Hampi Temple!

More climbin...havnt lost it yet.
 River which isolates hampi's natural beauty from the rest of india.  Supposedly there are crocodiles in there but i havent seen any when we went swimming.
LOVIN LIFE...i think i may move here for a long period of time in the future.  Hampi is so beautiful and there is so much to do.  The people are great and everything is relatively cheap.

"Why do people fear death so?  Because they realize, unconsciously at least, that their lives are mere parodies of what living should be."  -Tom Robbins

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