Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sadhana Livin

Woke up early to Pheebs playing the dijorri doo and our other friend benny playing the drums.  Those guys are the designated wake up people for this week.  My job is CHEF!!! Hoping i can learn some good vegan cooking and bring some of that knowledge back home.  OH yea i guess i forgot to say that Sadhana is vegan and dam is it tough, but for reasons unknown the food is actually pretty good.  Fresh fruit salad everyday with organic mangos, papayas, pomegranates, pineapples, and bananas yumm yummm!   Also Sadhana does not allow any drugs that includes caffine and sugar as well.  So no coffee, no tea...obviously no alcohol and not even the native ganga herb that is frequent all over India.  But even so, I am having more fun here than anywhere else on my trip.  There is about 70 other people living here and everyone is awesome.  They do workshops every day, and I am hoping to learn Capoeira, jimbe drumming, and some good ole fashion yoga. 

Sadhana forest is part of the city of Auroville.  Auroville is a new city that was started in the late 60s and is focused around peace and human unity.  From the sky the city looks similar to a galaxy.  It is extremely gorgeous.  The city has this future feel but also has dozens of farms and bakeries and everything that a city needs to survive, clean water especially.  Sadhana is a forest community outside of Auroville.  We live in these beautiful huts constucted of bamboo and woven coconut leaves for roofs.  And sleep on bed frames that is made of string and a 2 inch mattress.  My hut has a great view of the sunset.  I work 4 hrs a day and pay 150 rubbies a day for food ($3).

Yesterday, which was my first day of work, I worked on breakfast.  Cut open and ate my first coconut and was suprised that it tasted nothing like coconut flavor.  After that I worked on filling all the poop-water buckets...so if you didnt already know, in india there really is no toilet paper or even a toilet.  So you poop over a hole in the ground and wipe your butt with your left hand.  The left hand in Indian culture is this extremely nasty taboo.  You never shake with your left hand, you never eat with your left hand and if you do the Indians will have a fit.  Also the poop shoots, where ya do your business, gets composed and used for planting later.  So my job was to fill up the buckets next to the poop holes so you can clean your bum.  

Today I worked in the kitchen again, cutting up fruits for 70 people.  And after worked in the garden clearing brush.  FUUNN!! 

Computer is about to die, so ill work on this later.  Peace.

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